How to Save on Groceries: Working with KENS5

I recently worked with Niccole Caan, consumer reported for Kens5, on a local news story about how to save on groceries. As grocery prices continue to rise, consumers are looking for new ways to save money at the grocery store. Niccole and I met up at the grocery store, did some shopping and talked about the best tips to share.

Let me say this: I don’t consider myself a news person. What do I actually mean by that? I am not a huge fan of being on camera; I get nervous. However, we are supposed to do things that push us out of our comfort zone, right? Isn’t that where the growth happens? I’m pretty sure those are the mantras I repeated to myself as I made the decision to do this. At the end of the day, I want to help people save money. If being on the news allows more people to see my tips, then that’s what I’ll do.

Niccole does a great job selecting the best 5 tips to share to the KENS5 audience. Sometimes I have so many tips to share, I don’t even know where to start. I think anyone with an interest in saving can do so. Some people will use more strategies than others, but everyone can implement something new to help reduce their grocery budget.

Since I have a YouTube channel, I have a (very) basic understanding of video editing. The man you see in the picture above, Mat, is absolutely fantastic at it. I am blown away by how he is able to take raw footage from multiple places and create an amazing video from it. It’s difficult to fully appreciate the skill this takes until you try it yourself. I could definitely learn a thing or two from him.

Are you interested in learning more about how to save on groceries? I am linking the article here for you to read: Grocery Saving Hacks